Messages from the Past
Primary application: Adobe Flash MX, NewTek LightWave Language: Actionscript 1.0 Client: In-house development Status: Offline Sometimes you need an interface right out of left field, something beyond mere HTML buttons and square grids. Enter Messages from the Past, a project born from the discovery of a childhood answering machine message tape. Above: not your traditional audio interface. […]

Global Nuclear Testing, 1945-2005
Primary application: Adobe Flash MX Language: Actionscript 1.0 Client: In-house development Status: Launch Global Nuclear Testing, 1945-2005 Over the course of sixty years, world powers have detonated nuclear devices yielding over 500 megatons, more than 30,000 times the destructive force that devastated Hiroshima. Take a walk through the history of global nuclear testing, from 1945-2005, and […]