Churchill Trails
The starry night spins around Polaris, framing my temporary home while kayak touring Georgian Bay’s Churchill Islands.

The International Space Station, with a full complement of visiting vehicles from all participating nations including space shuttle Discovery, soars in orbit over Toronto at 7:02 P.M. This is a stacked set of eight images, the gaps in the trail are caused by the ~1 second delay between shutter actuations.

End of the Road VI
The eastern gap breakwall, slowly crumbling into the inner harbour, frames the Toronto skyline on a clear winter’s night.

Inukshuk Trails
Lit by the light of the rising full moon, an inukshuk stands lonely vigil over October starlight.

Night Shelter
The rising full moon competes with the night sky over Big McCoy Island, silhouetting a classic Georgian Bay tree.

Painterly Cruising
A northern pike, captured by a remote FishEYE II, cruises the spawning grounds in early spring.